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tafreeh = ‘delight’, ‘entertainment’ 

wale = ‘those who do‘

tafreehwale = ‘those who delight’

teal green paint splatter

tafreehwale is a theatre company based in Mumbai, dedicated to making and supporting original, contemporary, political, and playful theatre-making, and theatre training.

the tafreeh-walis

producers, directors, writers, performers, educators,

verified jacks of every theatrical trade who love making work together

Mallika Shah


BCDE All good_edited.png

Plan B/C/D/E

The Art of Crying

I Killed my Mother / It Wasn't my Fault

Jungle Nama

watercolour painting of a wave

upcoming shows

Plan B/C/D/E

watercolour painting of a wave
Meghana (a young woman in a blue  t shirt and jeans, with long curly hair) is wearing swimming goggles and reading a book

February 1 |  7:30 PM

NCPA, Mumbai

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